NWAPRS serves Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana

NWAPRS Summer Gathering is Retired
Welcome to the Northwest Automatic Packet Reporting System (NWAPRS) site
NWAPRS supports APRS events, activities and amateur radio enthusiasts primarily in British Columbia, Alberta, Northwest Territories, 
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. In reality we offer support to all who need it with these web pages and the NWAPRS group list. 

North America APRS freq is 144.39MHz.
Puget Sound alternate APRS freqs include 144.35s and 440.800s at 9600bps.
Use WIDE2-2 for fixed station path, WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 or WIDE2-2 for mobile operations.
Recommend no digi path for flight operations (e.g. balloons and aircraft) or a minimal one (WIDE2-1)

NWAPRS Summer Gathering is Officially Retired
Our premier Summer Gathering, held annually at Valley Camp in North Bend, WA was cancelled for 2021 due to the COVID pandemic.
We had hoped to re-gather after the pandemic, but there has not been enough interest to continue the event. Check WA7VC.org for details.

APRS STATION SETTINGS: Home Station | Portable/Mobile Tracker  | WIDEn-N Digipeater | WIDEn-N/WX Digi
Fill-In Digi | APRS Resources | APRS Solutions

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External Links | FAQs | NWAPRS Mailing List | Events & Activities
Copyright @1996-2022 David Dobbins, K7GPS.  APRS is a registered trademark of Bob Bruninga, WB4APR/SK