The Northwest APRS Summer Gatherings take place
almost every year on the weekend after Labor Day in September, at
the Valley Camp in North Bend, WA. COVID cancelled the SG #23
event that was scheduled to take place in 2020. We hope to get the
ball rolling again in 2021 with a meeting dates of September
10-12, for our 24th Gathering.
Our hosts at Valley Camp are Thom K7FZO and Teena K9HAV Proehl.
More information can be found here
at the Valley Camp website.
Here's some photos from our previous meetings over the years.
Looking for group photos: 1998, 1999,

Summer Gathering 2001

Summer Gathering 2002

Summer Gathering 2003

2004 Summer

2005 Summer Gathering

2006 Summer Gathering

2007 Summer Gathering

2008 Summer Gathering

2009 Summer Gathering

2010 Summer Gathering

Summer Gathering 2011

Summer Gathering 2012

Summer Gathering 2013

Summer Gathering 2014

Summer Gathering 2015

Summer Gathering 2016

Summer Gathering 2017

Summer Gathering 2018

Summer Gathering 2019 (looking for the full group photo)
In Remembrance of
Former NWAPRS Members
Bob Donnel KD7NM, of Seattle
WA, passed 2009.
Peter Vogliano N7PLP, of Mount Vernon WA, passed 2008. Pete
was an early member of the NWAPRS and we sure enjoyed his company.
He has a story worth keeping alive. I once asked him about coming
to America. He told me his parents took him to the port in Italy
when he was a young teen, hoping they would all escape from Italy
as the Germans were advancing pre-1940. The last boat was loading,
and they wouldn't take his parents, and he was entrusted to
another passenger for the ride to America. Fast forward a couple
of years, Pete was 16 or 17 when he lied about his age and joined
the U.S. Marines in time to take part in the Pacific War. He found
himself on Iwo Jima fighting for his life and the lives of his
fellow Marines. On the day after the historic raising of the U.S.
Flag on Iwo Jima, Pete made it to the top of the island with a new
American Flag. Pete was very proud of becoming a U.S. Citizen and
U.S. Marine. He was a good man.
Richard Ball N7RIG, of La Conner WA, passed 2014. He had a
quiet demeanor and passion for APRS fun, and was a spitting image
of what many of believe is the look of jolly ole St. Nick.
Bill Nadwornick K7CTS, of Spokane Valley WA, passed 2017.
Bill was a steadfast ham radio operator and tinkerer, and took a
liking to APRS in the early 2000s. He would bring his RV to the
Summer Gatherings along with Charlotte his wife.
Jim Reeves WA7RVV,
of Battle Ground WA, passed 2018? Jim was a founding father of
NWAPRS when he converted several digis between his home in
Medical Lake (Spokane) and his son Ron N7QXO in Battle Ground
WA to support APRS digipeating. He and his wife Anna WA7ROS
were regulars at the SG for many years and enjoyed staying in
the Valley Camp cabin.
Bob King K7OFT, of Seattle WA, passed 2020. Bob was an early
enthusiast and really helped promote APRS in the Puget Sound. He
also co-developed the alternate VHF and UHF 9600baud APRS systems
still in use today.